Monday, September 22, 2003

okay okay okay

another nonsensical rant:


everyone's got one. where's yours?? it's the colest piece of poly-urethyne plastic container ever. it's a water bottle. a water bottle! that's it.

but, everyone has to have one. wheter gray with a blue top, pink with a red top, or cobalt with a gray top, everyone's gotta have their nalgene botttle, can't go anywhere without my nalgene bottle.

oh my god where's your nalgene bottle?

my nalgene bottle?

yes your nalgene bottle...everyone's got one.

hmmm, i don't have one.

well, now you're out of the club.

in all due respect to water drinkers of the hipster persuasion...'s just a water bottle. the fact that you can put hot water in it without it melting is just a yipperdoo. just because everyone has a hip item, doesn't make it less unique.

this is all.


ps-i used to have one of these things too, but back then it was just called a water bottle for camping. so yeah...

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