Friday, October 24, 2003

my back hurts. in fact it hurts all day everyday. it must be the sleeping position i´ve chosen, the softness or the hardness of my bed of choice, or the way that my spine is in constant grapples with gravity and its forever pull towards the center of the earth. in any case, however, my back has seen better mornings, afternoons, siestas, and nights.

where is the relief? where are all of the answers? how does one better him or herself, if there is no other viable savior other than the internet? is this the way life is evoving towards? who is to say that it will replace the simple replies of people, face-to-face?

to my back, as i am in an icelandic school internet facility, there are two women talking in spanish. i love the fact that one is spanish speaking and the other is icelandic. this simple exchange gives me hope for the future and reaffirms how less i think of america at times. travelling is fun.

maybe tonight i´ll sleep on the floor.


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