Tuesday, April 10, 2007

" new bike here now!! " or " how i am severely out of shape "


actually, i'm not "in" or "out of" shape at all. rather, i am am just a shape.

i got my super bicycle today, and it rides smooth and sweet. quick to respond and the grips are as comfy as holding onto your sweetheart at all the right angles.

but as i said, my legs are mushy, all of my muscles are oatmeal. my cardiovascular system is really really sad. it's as if my body forgot to tell me that i'm in dire need of some sort of exercise.

bicycling then becomes one of the best ways to work on all of these things at the same time. i mean seriously, i rode from the bike store to my apartment and i was all tired and hyper-extended and sweaty and in a tizzy.

it was really really sad.

but at least i got my bike. which rocks something fierce!

now all i got to do is rally up the fellow bikers and plan a bike ride to freedom!!!

or at least to hamburgers or fish n' chips.

(photos to follow)

tonight's homework:

do fifty sit-ups and push-ups, then stretch, then fall asleep.


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