Sunday, May 27, 2007

" the dislikes of the day "


- the feeling of wooden ice cream spoons on the bottom of my upper front teeth.

- shirts that i used to love when i didn't have so much love-chub.

- the imminent death of as of yet unfound galaxies.

- past regrets of my teenage self.

- shaving and the inherent upkeep of facial hair.

- the fact that i have no original ideas, and when i do, i find that i actually don't.

- sweaty knee-pits.

- the pain of certain memory and the fear of the future.

- that i love the wonder years so so so much.

- the burn of lactic acid deficiency in my legs when i ride my bike and 12 year-old girls and boys pass by smiling while i gasp and wheeze down the flat paved inner loops of new york's parks.

- my shoes too tight.

- the fact that everything in life that presents a problem does in fact have an answer in one form or another, and how it can worked out.

- long distances from here to there.


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