Thursday, August 20, 2009

" times of transition "


throughout my life, i have noticed key moments where i had to take moments aside to reflect. life-changing moves, relationships, strides, and at times lunges.

i find myself in this moment to be without my(digital) camera, due to sending it in for repair and upkeep services. the fact that i had a truly amazing day meandering through and around the city with lauren yesterday, and not having my camera to clickclick-click-click my way through the day, was really interesting.

i missed it; the feeling of having that tool with me. anyone that knows me well enough, knows that i rarely go out of the house without my camera. i'll take it to the park, on road trips, to the bar, to restaurants, to coney island, anywhere and everywhere i go...just in case.

and to have it not with me doesn't take away the enjoyment of being out, but it is interesting to note that without my camera, i am still finding curious and astounding details about my surroundings.

if you take the time to look around, you may see that little chinese girl holding her dad's hand in the subway station with the "too legit to quit" bubble-letter shirt on. you may see the 90˚ old woman walking down the street with her unique outlook on vision capability.

you may see life all around you, flourishing and breathing inside and out. flexing and endlessly becoming.

so due to the fact that i am attempting to post at least one photo representative, per day of this year...and find myself without my tool of implementation, i implore you 3-5 readers to take this time to seek out your own treasures.

i will post some film work perhaps, or maybe no photos or posts at all...but maybe after the two or so weeks it takes for my camera to be repaired, we can all benefit from taking a pause.

tonight's homework:

take yourself(and a friend or family member) out to dinner, and try to walk around as if you've never been there before. pretend that you're an alien on a new planet, and see the world with fresh eyes. i bet you'll witness something amazing.


(last couple new photos for a bit)

aout 19:

aout 20:


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