Sunday, January 03, 2010

" a satsuma for your soul "


miraculous things are about to happen.

i'm shooting someone for my project every day this week, except of course on my upcoming birthday. it's sort of amazing.

for the past few years i've been really trying hard to create my own personal version of a day job. one part serious photographer creating images, one part freelance binessman, one part making it in the big city.

there's not a day that goes by where i don't thank my lucky stars that i've been able to exist in nyc for as long as i have. but at the same time, something had to give. what i feel i can deal with and put up with now, i don't believe i want to be the day-to-day in the next ten years.

so i've been slowly getting closer and closer to creating my own job. and for perhaps the first time, and through the growing success of my project (albeit in the shooting stage still), i can see that i can motivate interested parties to participate and collab with me on my interests.

it's a blessing to be trusted by someone enough that they will allow you into their world, sometimes for a day, sometimes for your entire lifetime. and i've been counting my blessings.

in one week and a day, i'll be back in nyc dreaming of cali, with many new participants shot and ready for processing. amazing things will happen if you start to be proactive and turn the dreams into action.

so like i said before, miraculous things are about to happen.

tonight's homework:

think of one solid gold reason not to pursue your dreams starting right now. oh, don't have one? good, now you're ready to kick 2010 in the shins and run towards your bright bright future.



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