Sunday, February 28, 2010

" contemplating in front of your computer can kill all your joys"


you're watching the light from the sun rake it's last outstretched fingers against the bricks of the buildings adjacent to the churchyard. their muted hues burst afire and become brilliant colors; bold and strident like a kick in the teeth.

looking down at your fingers as they type type type away, you wish that they were doing something more useful. something more meaningful, helpful, and worthy. instead they flutter about with the sounds of clickety-clackity all about. they seem so hollow, the palms shallow, and the wrists tightening up. your hands wish they had other hands to hold.

you're watching the final episode of the (british) office on hulu, and you have another small realization that you're lonely. you're very nice and giving, but you're lonely. if these people can find a small bit of happiness in a seemingly harrowing daily drudge, perhaps you can as well. or maybe you watch too much online videos.

you notice that the night has crept in like a bandit, and has replaced all of the light in the world with a darkening blue blanket. the green gaseous glow of the fluorescent light fixtures flicker and blink in the blackness, illuminating massive piles of dirty snow plowed and placed there earlier in the day.


fevrier 26:

fevrier 27:

fevrier 28:


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