Saturday, December 20, 2003


"and you have to ask yourself if tomorrow will be any different."

the friend zone is getting really lonely. i mean, initiative aside, what the hell is going on here? do i have this big blinking neon sign on my heart that says "able to both be truthfully sincere, and completely unattractive(except when trying to describe a non-relationship sort of male friend)?"

if funny. i forget how i ever had girlfriends in the past. there seems to be this indescribable something that all of the women i am attracted to are seeking, and i have no clue at all what that is.

and in my 23rd year, it's seeming more and more apparent that nothing is changing any time soon, right? or is it? will it?

the year is drawing to another shifting, and i told myself that this year will have been my best year. even with all of the things i have done and the places i have visited, and all of the photographs i have taken, where is my chance at that elusive ism known as "some?"

maybe next year i will find that someone who thinks that i am worthy enough to take a chance on...

jeez what a sad sack of b.s. i am

i'm stopping before i get even more depressed with myself

good night all


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