Monday, June 06, 2005

" figure it out on your own "


passing time in the most random ways,
i step out an onto the smooth passages.

no one to let you know how it'll turn out.
no one to let you in.

if it's all just smoke and mirrors,
let alice pass to meet the catapiller-man.

fingers streched long and reaching
in order to find them there, now

and not in a what-if, or then.
the time comes, and still no signs.

create the path, make the signal,
crafting your own version of the middle way.

saying fuck-all to these disbelievers;
stumbling down the soi, but still forward, onwards. point b.

forever becoming. forever desires seeping in.
forever never seemed so long.

hidden groves within the cobwebs.
quick and slight touches, glances.

these moments of our evolving lives,
open wide, and yearning for our inclusion.


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