Friday, June 17, 2005

" meeting everybody again for the first time "



what's going on?

long time no see, and all that jazz.i thought i knew you, but it seems that everyone has their own version of reality. the thing about it is, if you could just see, just make an attempt to locate that thing that is me, amongst all of these other floating sacks of human. it'd be interesting,

i can guarantee you that, yes. i suppose i haven't seen you in some time. here are some things to re-learn about me:

- feet are proper nice. well, they are.

- nerds are surprisingly still cool. i have my recently renewed membership card for your perusal if you don't believe me.

- glances can make me faint inside; die a thousand deaths to live for the moment.

- i am scary into photographery, ooh and filmmakery. let's do a project!

- i have a sweet tooth, and i need them pulled out.

- i watch a lot of movies, like a mad lot of them. if we hung out, i'd most likely suggest that we go catch a flick. but don't worry, i'm sure you like movies too. it's just normal, innit?

- i am completely not an raging asshole. it's true! even if you provoked me or stole my shoes, i'd probably just shrug it off after a moment of confusion to why you would do such a thing. and i'm good to people. you can write that down, and put it in your pocket.

- i'm going home home soon, then coming back to the big BKK, so hit me up now and soon, or then and later. either way, everyone is free to get some bay-time in. and you better believe it, bay-time is always an experience. um, i have references.

that's about all i got for now. good to see you again. i really like what you've done with your (insert hair or clothing style or fixed wandery-eye description here), it really suits you. i'm glad that you're doing well. i'll mail you a special (insert random desired thai thing here) if'n you'd like.

cause that's what friends are for. that and you can repay me by walking on my back.

tonight's homework:

remember, the wide world is there, right before your feet which by design move forward. so take the time; every step is toward something fantastical.

(elements of fantasticality not refunded in the case that the fantastical is a bear, wombat, or rabid mongoose.)


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