Monday, June 05, 2006

" cross-country nerdery "


so brent calls me up when i'm eating some lunchy snack thing i whipped up in my spare time, and he says the usual intros and salutations.

then he asks me if i'm online. sadly enough i am.

he wants me to sign in as him on ebay to bid in his name on a surfboard that he's described as the perfect ride. that's weird and what a strange request, but then again maybe not?

there's something about the things that we, in this specific point in american technomodernism, decree as "normal." our mobile-phone-call-ebay-bidding-while-driving-west-to-east (deep breath here) me-in-my-house-him-at-the-DQ-in-god-knows-where conversation/transaction was almost too much to be true, and then again completely normal at the same time.

so kudos brent. congratulations on your new surfboard.

oh yeah, i forgot to tell you that i also got you a wholesale crate of ukrainian midget donkey porn. so um, should i have sent that to your new apartment, or do you think that your mom can forward your mail from her place?

call me soon. muah ahah ahaha ahah ahah.



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