Sunday, June 18, 2006

" sweet summer "


it's all about the barbeque. all of the miscellaneous meat and vegan treats and how they don't touch or interact, but they are allowed to be on the same table.

it's all about the friends you bump into; those forgotten faces from deep memory, resurfacing and all at one fleshed out and interactive.

it's about friends who have kids now and they are tiny humans running around talking and playing and forming sentences and reflecting all of the things in the world that they know to be current in their notion of reality.

it's about dirt-field softball games with the super bay area ghetto family in the pit next to you. it's about the family of man. it's about frisbee in the california sun underneath a cloudless sky; the dogs running loose and the sound of kids laughing.

it's all about meeting people that you haven't seen for years, and how they remembered you and how they are glad to see you. it's about how we used to be neighbors and now we're exchanging emails with the intent to keep in touch and meaning it.

it's how it's all real and all here and all overwhelming and normal all at the same time. it's all about the feeling of the real beginning of summer, and how everything from that point on is going to be full and rewarding.

so yay summer.



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