Monday, January 01, 2007

" it's 2007 and why is it raining? "


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my fingers are cold.

and it's raining?

and what's up with this sun setting at 4pm thing?

all of these true things inhabit my thoughts as the new year unfurls like an ice blossom unleashed on an overcast day which has fooled me into believing that morning has arrived.

it's a new day.

things always seem that they're likely to change on new year's; as if the day that is new year's creates a clean slate for our faults and strengths to dramatically shift and flex.

we want to be better people, better moneymakers, better lovers, more happy, more awesome, more everything to the Nth degree until there is no comparison between the us's of yesteryears. basically, the new year's allows us to become these new things anew, as if the earth didn't spin and everyday was not in of itself a new year's day.


i've made tea.

my hands ache with cold. i'm hungry and my stomach agrees with me.

and it's a new year.


tonight's homework:

make a list of things about the past year that you regret, and vow to never do them again. then make a list of things you wish you had done, and set out from this point forward to see them through. it's not enough to dream and wish and hope; you have to lunge out from the prairielands like a bloodthirsty animal and bite deeply into the jugular of deliberate actions bettering yourself...figuratively speaking. go get em tiger never sounded more attainable.

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happy happy new year 2007.


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