Monday, December 31, 2007

" and end to some things "


the end of another year comes to pass. a new end, a new beginning.

this past year was one of the tests of your limits. i lost two people very dear to me, and a third is so far away, that even time refuses to be on our side. it leaves this year with a feeling of desire which aches for the time zones to be in-sync for us.

i thought i knew what this year was going to be like. and looking past on this year, it has surprised me in so many ways; lifted me up as well as let me down. as if the days themselves betray you through its cycles.

every new day which came brought with it a sense of questioning whether or not it would be a good one or not. in the latter half of the year especially, i was tested through and through. i feel like i am ready to have 2007 put behind me. tucked away as a good attempt, but not the template.

so this coming year, please be good to yourself and those you love. knowing that every day has endless possibilities, means that we can make every day count.

good luck out there in the new world. show me something great.

happy new year.


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