Friday, December 18, 2009

" sort of amazing "


if you were sitting next to me right now, you'd either be a fellow passenger on a flight, or a really cold and deathproof bird above indiana.

in short, free wi-fi on a plane is nothing short of a curious and confusingly amazing service, now being provided for free from google, on virgin america flights, through january 15th.

i guess that it's indicative of how short-lived amazing things are in our tech-obcessed fast-paced society, that mere moments after writing that last sentence, i've already shifted from wide-eyed and elated, to unimpressed and uninterested.

but okay, now im actually registering that i'm sitting in the atmosphere, and i'm sort of reeling with the feeling don't stop, continue.


i'm on a flight back home to california for the holidays. like normal people do. haha.

it's the first time home in over a year, and a trip which i've made only a few times since moving back to the states, then moving to new york.

the first semester of my graduate program at SVA is over, and last night, my fellow classmates and colleagues tied one on at Old Town, because the heartland brewery was being a discriminating biatch to our merry group of international U.N.-like photographers.

so headed home for a bit. to rest, to sleep, perchance to shoot some more. not really sure of the ultimate goal of the trip is, but to pause and reflect.

tonight's homework:

take a few minutes to write down a list in two columns. on the first list, write all the ways you are a good person. on the other list, write those attributes that you could work on...your failings...your weaknesses. when you have about ten on either list, make a decision to try to change yourself for the better, and get all of the second lists items eliminated, while simultaneously adding ten more to the first list.

you're doing great, and i believe in you.


decembre 15:

decembre 16:

decembre 17:

decembre 18:


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