Saturday, December 31, 2011

" dreaming the impossible dream "


what will you do tomorrow?

make a breakfast of steel-cut oatmeal with brown sugar and cream? arrange in order the many colored socks you own into neat categories? shimmy-shake your leg while you slumber and do a stuttered half-twist with your body as you exhale and soft-smack your mouth a few times?

the possibilities endless, the road open and wide, the horizon clear and true. in the kitchen, you can hear the refrigerator hum and buzz while the sound of a new year's wind caresses the windows from outside.

so many numbers of things that could happen this year, but will it?

what will you do tomorrow?

here are some suggestions:

  • teach someone a skill. you never know what good you can do in the world until you can transfer knowledge
  • plant something. a seed, an indoor pot of seasonal herbs, an idea.
  • go on an adventure. take a journey no matter the distance, walk down an unexplored path and look for the light reflecting off of all of the different angles.
  • listen to a story. learn about your fellow people. friends, strangers, workers, bankers, nerds, children. we all are experiencing something very unique, and what better way to navigate that experience by hearing about how others are getting along.
  • volunteer for a charity. participation in helping our fellow people through a shelter or organization really allows you to directly affect someone else's life in a positive way, so matter how small.
  • write a song even if you don't know how.
  • sing karaoke in public, even if you're scared.
  • doodle, draw, paint, sculpt, create anything. everything. you do have talent and you are creative, even if you don't believe yourself to be.
  • have hope and optimism, and take risks to actualize those wishes.
  • cook more meals at home. preferably with friends, family, and loved ones. it just tastes better.
  • shake more hands.
  • hug more people. hugs are great.
  • create a space for yourself to express yourself more. could be a journal/diary. could be a meditation room. could be someone's ear.
  • read a book.
  • watch more movies, both good and bad ones. how will you know what you like unless you watch more of them? i like to watch movies (hint, hint).
  • make more lists. lists will clearly organize a myriad of things, and will set your mind at ease. plus, lists are rad.
  • settle a score.
  • surprise someone with generosity.
  • surprise yourself with generosity.
  • make that phone call.
  • handwrite a postcard or letter. make sure you have proper postage.

there are so many activities you could do tomorrow, and all it takes is a little gumption, a little self regulation and free-will. you can do them all.

i believe in you, and you're doing great.

tonight's homework:

open up those eyes to all the possibilities in the world, and begin to craft a plan.

happy new year.

decembre 31

1 comment:

alissa j. said...

I like to make lists like this of things that I want to do just because.
I want to write you a letter, you to teach me how to cook some Thai food, watch a foreign movie together, and give you a hug.
happy new year!