Wednesday, November 26, 2003


BESHY: everything ok
weederman23: yeah
weederman23: did you read my blog?
weederman23: i had kinda of a c- day
BESHY: not today
BESHY: but you sound like you did
weederman23: yeah
weederman23: i want so much to have good days and be positive and confident and express those feelings out into my reality
weederman23: but i regress usually to what i have not as the dominant thoughts, rather than the what-haves
weederman23: it's a frustratingly dismal process; this getting towards bliss
BESHY: hmmm
weederman23: yes.
weederman23: hmmm indeed
weederman23: i find myself thinking that i might be more fun in general to work with or alongside of, than to be with or around
weederman23: and sometimes i forget how unapealing that is to other people


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