Wednesday, March 10, 2004

" convincing yourself... "


it's fine. suprisingly good as well. when you pent up so much anger and time into disliking a place, it can get fairly exhaustive. like trying to find out the name of that band who sang that song? you know it, it's right there, and yet, it gets so frustrating; trying to remember what it all was, as if you never knew them at all.

so i might be wrong about la-la land. it's been good to me this time, and i wanted to out that aspect of this trip to myself. last night i spent some time with patrick and his g/f jen. we played a kick-ass game of super scrabble and just had fun. i went to in-and-out with patrick and we were talking about how it was rad that two friends that know eachother fairly well, can still co-exist in an environment roughly 400 some miles away from their home and initial comfort zone; another shining example of humans innate ability to conform to the rapidly changing environmental elements, whether structural or seasonal.

i am about to go down to the costa mesa/irvine region of california tomorrow and hope to have a good time there as well. the sun is shining above, bright and hot. all of my "tasks" are finished, and it feels as if everything is going to be okay. it's sort of scary.


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