Saturday, March 06, 2004

" photographic mishaps..."


weederman23: here i am
loki331: dude!
loki331: i'm watching ali g
weederman23: finally right?
weederman23: hells yeah
loki331: yeah, where are you?
weederman23: loooord mercy
weederman23: at my uncles' abode
weederman23: i got the photos from iceland back
weederman23: and man
weederman23: i fucked up bigtime
loki331: whaaaat!?
weederman23: remember around akeureyri
weederman23: i was tripping about the exposure index compensation thingie?
loki331: before or after?
loki331: dude, ali g is sooo fucking retarded
weederman23: i mean that potion in lieu of already pushing the film 2 stops
weederman23: so tard
weederman23: during shooting
weederman23: and i would already have the 100 speed @ 400, then on top of that add compensation
weederman23: yeah, well, now i know not to ever do that ever
weederman23: ever
weederman23: i got maybe 10 percent of photos to come out properly exposed
weederman23: the bulk of the rest lie somewhere inbetween "almost good" purgatory, and underexposed hell
weederman23: so a boo on me thus
loki331: well, that's not all of them tho, right?
weederman23: yeah
loki331: sorry, i was trying to think in my head what you meant
loki331: lol
weederman23: but most of the cool ones i thought i made, turned out to be so internally disappointing
loki331: aww, dude, i'm sorry to hear that
weederman23: and photographically laughable, considering my experience
weederman23: some really cool shots turned out so dark
loki331: how many stops did you push in developing?
weederman23: and almost okay, but not really
weederman23: 2.5
weederman23: just to get the most out of both over and under compensation from the initial push
weederman23: i'll scan the cool ones
loki331: yeah, dude, of course
loki331: i'm sure there's some salvageable stuff
loki331: especially with the computer
weederman23: suprisingly however, the nightscapes, almost all of them in fact, turned out superb and right on the mark
weederman23: i just feel bad, because if i go over to show your parents, i'll feel less-than
weederman23: like they'll say, "hey this is what you think of iceland"
weederman23: :-(
loki331: bah, whatever, i know there's plenty of good stuff
loki331: you can't always get everything you want out of it
loki331: i suppose you really hate me and my digital right now, eh?
loki331: :-weederman23: not really
weederman23: because even though my stuff flubbed photgraphically, it's a good reference digitally
weederman23: damn upsides!
loki331: no, no, yay upsides!

- you are right petur, you damn lucky right guy.


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