Wednesday, September 01, 2004

" monosyllabicy gets you far "


mmm. beh. neh. and guh.

okay, now that that's out of my system:

there is an interesting sense of indescribable power one feels, when you start to travel. to put it much better, a quote by the brother of paulo coelho:

"when you travel, you experience, in a very practical way, the act of rebirth."

it's all so very simple.

life is not just merely the act of living, it's the response to everything that is surrounding you. it's the connective tissue between the seams of information and material. it's love and food, and breathing, and swimming in the ocean, and jumping up and down, and laughing out loud without a sense of embarassment.

i've just been out in the world, the raw world, the world of my ancestors and the world of my modern kin. it seeps into me like an organic poreous phantasm. i saw beautiful landscapes passing by with the wind flustering through my crappity haircut, i saw the encroaching beauty of the muslim faith becoming the norm as we neared towards the deeper southern regions, i saw a beautiful sunset glowing ever-red through a tropical thunderstorm, i smelled the enticing fragrance of orchids and jasmine meandering upon the winds, i saw children smiling in houses that most americans would deem unfit for habitation, i saw myself in the faces of the people and i felt like i had come nearer to knowing myself intimately; like a human being realizing sentience.

there is no real language of the world, to describe the satisfaction of finding out about yourself through experiences such as these. there is nothing like really starting to do some serious self-reflection on yourself, and sinking your hands, fingertips and all, into the meat that is your worldly soul.

i am about to embark upon yet another long journey of sorts this month, and i'll be gone with my production team for three weeks or so. it's funny when a metrosexual-nerd-fanboy like me has to live without the net for more than a few hours, but it's nice to get the opportunity to trade time with electronic interfaces and see what the real world has to offer.

this month, take a shower with someone and don't forget to soap up your navel, cause not a lot of people clean that tummy-hole-thing.


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