Sunday, March 06, 2005

" a crackin' week-end "


yay rare moments of happiness intercut with strangers and conversation; the missing element of a single boy alone with his time, thoughts, and environment. big up to british chloe, british kim, jan superdanceman, tuppi the tangent soul brother, and dino for the entertainment and ride out.

yay a night out beginning with unknown peoples's b-day party outside of the center (?) of bangkok. nice house man. happy 30th TAT and no, i'm not picking up on your lady Daisy, she's just cool, when talking to cool people is welcomed.

yay for having the condo. boo for waking up my uncle at 4:30am trying to enter said condo. and yay for my uncle being hella cool about it and his hair lookin' all cool.

yay for breakfast with my uncle; a vast variety of delights to welcome the morning in after 4 hours of deep sleep.

yay hitting up JJ for a kick ass people-watching time with kim, xiaojiao, art, and noonie. super yay for meeting the proprietor/filmmaker-dude/cool guy t-shirt screener dude at his rad stall; more cool stories to develop perhaps maybe sorta?

yay afternoon blissssssed the fuck out movie experience with british kim wholey enjoying "april story" perfection upon perfection in an hours time. beautiful beautiful beautiful. all editing, lighting, shot choices, first-person, lovely lovely sakura flowers falling thusly and smiles enveloping your soul in a cinematic tone staring girl fishing club unrequited loves engaged with sweet and utter awkwardness. i love you. you were everything i needed then, there, at that time. april story.

yay MBK dvd romp with british kim in the aftermath of said blisses. yay meeting sherisse clarke: long islander, teacher, world traveler, cinematic and michael jackson deconstructionist.

yay dinner with strangers who are rad! big up to british kim, sherisse clarke, wan, and overworked jason.

to end it all.

yay to sherisse with taxi cab conversations to the BTS. yay waving to each other like old friends at the wall when your train departed from the station; 50 points you score you do.

yay motorcycle taxi man guy with stupid graff alien holding up "westside" on his helmet.

yay being happy.


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