Monday, March 28, 2005

" the farness of being close "


dear ------,

how are you? sorry i have been so so so busy. it's never an excuse i know, but shit man, never a free minute.

last week i was sent to japan to cover the aichi world expo 2005 in nagoya (the middle of the island). it was rad. you can check out the photographs i took while there and in tokyo.

folder 016. japan = chock full of japantasticity!!!

other than that, i have been just working hella hard in bangkok. i am soon to return to the states for a week and a half. i was nominated for this photo contest thingie in washington D.C. and i figure it's at the right time, because my year-long visa is about to run out.

so from may 4th til may 14th, i'll be in the states, then back traveling around thailand with my parents for three or so months. then in september until december, i'll be in the bay area taking a rest.

theeeeen returning to bangkok to work at this other job. it's a television/film production business/house, and i hope to get more experience and just basically get this mutha moving in terms of career and the like.

it's nice being able to have a semblance of a future planned out, and nothing is really sure yet. all about defining those things that you can, however vague, then seeking to follow them through. i wish you the best of everything, and hope you are well.

tonight, sing a little song for me and face thailand. i'll be outside at 9:30pm with my ear bent to the wind.




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