Tuesday, December 21, 2004

" creative juices "


one day you will find the time to please everyone. today is not that day.

you will falter, you will spill over, you will fail, and you will quietly pass out; the world growing black around you until you feel nothing. the dark void enclosed around you like a thick blanket over your entire body.

tears don't help. crying is the last resort of the hopeless in the case of fleeting departures.

one day you will find the time to be unsure. today is not that day.

you will rise above, you will raise the cry of victory, you will achieve the unattainable, and you will be a complete and utter success; the glowing warmth of the universe surrounding your supernatural everything.

you are a god today. you are a bright sheen of silver. you are happy.

today nothing can cause you pain, or depression, or hurt. you're as tough as nails, and you reflect all of the goodness in the world and cast it out in an untraceable glory.

this is the day that will surpass all other days before it, and it is yours for the taking.


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