Tuesday, April 26, 2005

" ambiguous tuesday conversationing "


a 10 minute conversation with two men.

one completely human and merry, beaming from ear-to-ear and polite; lucid and present in his carefully chosen well-spoken points. one of his front teeth is chipped at the most curious angle.

the second surly and merry, drunk and still drinking; the lost future of a hearty soul spitting verses of broad characteristics and making complete sense in his state of non-sobriety. the lines in his face forming deep caverns; the accents of a lifetime of expression.

we cover the introductions, the reconnecting of three people who might as well be cousins, lost friends, or close compatriots; the lost-and-found momentary nature of the family of man.

person one frequently apologizes for his drunk friend. person two continues to be drunk and explains the inner-workings of thai society in its present state; the influx of foreigners and alien cultural isms amidst his personal traditions.

time slows to a thick lull in the nightly wake of a day's thunderstorms and pre-monsoon showers. the humidity surrounding us like thick hot sweaty arms; the moon blessedly full in the sky; low to the eyes touch and a deep earthly-orange hue.

the drunker of the two men offers me invisible women with which to eat and consume, explaining that a man that does not eat women is not a man true to himself or of this world. i don't quite know what to say as he looks into and past my eyes fiercely waiting.

his friend gives me the "oh-god-not-this-conversation-again" looks and apologizes to me with a slight gesture of a gentle nod and a noted tilt. i let the drunkards comments ride, this rare example of a man, and return the gesture.

it's a very enlightening, heart-breaking segment of time; lost opportunities of now-men over the peak of their youth-hoods' past potential successes. they now laugh a raucous laugh. i find my own chuckles mingling in with the joyous audio-clutter.

these priceless mellow-gold, reaffirming, beautiful moments of unique normalcy, in between the droll of staring at computer screens, and those forever-moments before the sweet unconsciousness of sleep.


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