Tuesday, May 11, 2004

" dreams of change "


it only seems right that i should get sick and have a sore throat now. outside the country is a raging humid tapestry of heatwaves, inside the slick everflowing icy cool of air conditioning filters throughout every crevice in the building.

when these two elemental states of being intermingle, how can the body help but shift inbetween extremes? subtley coexisting with an unending temperature flux.

so now my throat hurts, and i wish i had brought some nyquil, or dayquil, or any sort of meds from home other than the immodium AD and benedryl i brought with me. i mean, who can forsee all of the possible ailments you can come down with, while packing for just two weeks?

i suppose i'll just try to get through this day like yesterday, except today, my throat feels like it's painted on the inside with painter's glue and has a sack of tack nails stuck in the sticky cylinder of my esophagus. i'll then go to sleep every night with this scratchy mess in my neck, and dream of the morning when it'll feel better.

cough cough...blaugh


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