Friday, February 18, 2005

" beam this up scotty "


[a continuation of this post]


nerds, geeks, dweebs, and doobs unite!!!

we must collectively heed the call of the intergalactic made terran. even though interstellar travel is light years away, we must ensure that the show exists.

without the show, what will happen to us? without the show, what will we do with all of our free moments; lost hours floating away like so much zero gravity.

i discovered star trek in my step sister's room. she was a big trek fan, and we would spend whole afternoons watching marathons on television waaaaay before TNG came out(okay maybe 2 or so years, but still!). i was so hooked, because in my free time, instead of reading schoolbooks, i was busy engulfing my youth in classic fantasy literature and star trek books. it was ridiculous.

but you have a good memory with a certain something, and that extends itself to the present emotional state of love, care, comfort, and happiness. i mean, if you lose something like that, what's there to fill the gaps? dvdvd's the only answer i can come up with, and even that might not be enough. even though, as i have said, everyone poo-poo'd the offsprings of star trek:TNG, i still have a soft spot for each and every nerdically-filled-to-the-brim episode.

it's time to come together for a purpose so necessary, that you feel proud to enlist. so grab your warp engine-powered galaxy-class spaceship, your spock-ears and old skool uniforms, your treasure of latinum, your tri-lithium inducers, pocket that hand phaser, get ready to stick a wormhole in viacom's swirling influx of galactic supposed omnipotence, and join the cause.

it's not national, it's not intercontinental, it's not even global. this time, it's straight up multispacialy transuniversal.

i'll be boldly waiting in the shuttle pod, docking bay 3.


some of many articles:

the cause:

the saddest fan ever, sad meaning disappointing:

ps -

this is you:

pps -

explore a new language:


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