Friday, February 18, 2005

" groovy daddyo, snap snap, snap "


is it enough that college student of the recent generations always have to claim that they're "enlightened" because they've found certain truths within the text(s) of the work(s) of famed super beatnik, a certain mister jack kerouac?

click on me, i'm linkably hip!
Jack Kerouac

now's your chance to feed into the at-the-time uproarious machine of the beat-generation and view one of the prime works which inspired many to think outside of the box.

the original scroll of "on the road" which was written in a matter of 20 days, will be aptly traveling the wide country of america for the next four years, showcasing it's subtle written glories within its brittle page(s).

he once said: “You’d be surprised how little I knew even up to yesterday.”

get on your horses, we're riding.

[insert weird moustachio and bongos here]


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