Monday, July 05, 2004

" poppin' fresh y'all "


and you start to think to yourself, "this girl is just swell."

i don't know that i have anything to give, but my word. when your word becomes your most tangible quality, you have to start to ask yourself if you are a strong enough person to be 'that' for her.

gotta be strong, patient, and a person who can be trusted.

all of these things bring into the realm of the real, a sort of daily test of what sort of person you are. it's great to think that someone can believe in you so much.

it's like i have found an anchor at last.

i have no clue what to do though, except be myself, and hope that is enough. she is so rad, and i think that this could be...something. we talk every day, and she speaks sweetly to me telephonically; the sound of her voice is enough to soothe any frustrations i've had in my day of work.

but, at the same time i am fairly realistic about this relationship, and its strange and beloved as of now attributes.

it knocks me off of my feet every day, and i beam from the inside out.

so whatever this may or may not be, it seems to be going oddly okay for now, and that's just dandy.


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