Sunday, July 25, 2004

" there and back again, a hobbit's tale...i mean, my first long trip in thailand "


(the following are some pieces that i wrote, while on the road to the northern part of thailand; chiang mai, prae, tak, kampamgpet, and loei)
" within "
you are the dream
that i want to keep on dreaming
sleeping with one eye open,
so as to spy upon your dreams
and guard my secrets
and in the sweet darkness,
i am the poet,
and she is my poetry.
" meandery ways "
we've been walking
on these separate paths
for all of our lives,
and now have met at this fork in the road.
to sojourn together thusly,
your hand safely cupped in mine,
i feel as if i can walk on this road a bit longer yet;
to wherever you wish to go,
into whatever may come,
to destinations unknown,
if you will have my company.
" thoughts upon a distant lover "
(written in the morning, kampangpet province)
her eyes,
two of the clearest
black opals i've ever seen.
it's as if i'm laying beneath
the cool currents of a meandering twilight river,
looking up at the skies
as stars invade my view.
she is a slender brown reed;
her lines are long
and she sways gracefully in the breeze.
how can one not but fall thusly?
one look and i'm on the ground.
one touch and i'm sinking into the earth.
a brief kiss,
and i'm residing in the molten core of the world,
never to leave, never to breathe again, never to regret.
" random much? "
there's nothing like eating dried strawberries and sitting out the window of a janky minibus, while seeing the nocturnal migration of bats as they come out of their cave dwelling in the north of thailand.
" o-tohn "
she is waiting for me beside the river,
my citified lotus-flower girl,
and i feel the weight of this
passage of time upon my body,
as if i am completely beneath the water's surface.
to feel lost thus,
and unsure of when you will
come up for air,
is like waiting for monsoon rains to stop,
glaciers to move distant mountains,
and winter trees to come
into fruition.
but she waits
without scorn
or any sense of
common regret.
so eventhough these days are long,
the nights lonely and without,
i know that soon
i will hold her in my arms,
and taste the fruit
of her awaited mouth.
(o-tohn, means patience in thai)

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