Saturday, July 31, 2004

" so there's this scot i met "


tonight while on a shoot for my job, i met this scotsman/bartender dude named andrew miller. we chatted it up and talked a little nit about scotland and all of the cool things there: Irn-Bru, the famed local sauce of choice for absolutely everything Brown Sauce, single-malt whiskey, the highlands, stirling and braveheart, and a sound decent pint of Guiness.

kinda sorta makes me want to go back just for a few weeks. he said that he'd hit me up if a friend of his came to visit, and maybe hook me up with a little Irn-Bruu (the local soda-like beverage that outsells coca-cola). so cheers andrew. you are in a foreign land, but you still have that old country's to edinburgh and the old firehouse.

to the king over the water.



Anonymous said...

coincidence. i was there for a year three years ago and still rant about scotland now. and prolly still will when i'm 65. (i'm 24 now)

Anonymous said...

Well done on a nice blog baystar_one. I was looking for information on water trampolines and came across your post - not quite what I was looking for related to water trampolines but interesting all the same!