Monday, August 02, 2004

" 'buhh?' : a dream "


i'm standing in my front yard in albany california. the sun is shining, as if a thin film of plastic has attached itself to the midday's sky; i can see the giant clothes-pins sticking out from the edges of the universe.

becca silvers and yea-ming chen pull up at my house in a long maroon and black car that resembles the batmobile from the tv show starring adam west. thay are happy to see me and they smile in that way that i love when i see them smiling at me.

in tow, they have a gimungous animal on a long cart. it resembles a rhinoceros if it mated with a pink hippo, some purple circus saltwater taffy, and paper mache. "truly an oddity" i thought to myself, and they presented it to me. they told me it was the greatest find. the only problem is when it had to go to the bathroom.

they used their feminine wiles to get me to go get two double-plastic garbage bags out from my basement. since they are my friends, i thought "well why not? i don't want this grotesque new pet of theirs to crap all over my front yard." so i go into my basement, and for some reason i'm naked.

now, i'm standing in my basement naked and for some reason too, i have the most elaborate bruise on my leg. it's brightly colored; a thin strip along the lower calf. first a splash of blood-red, then blue, and then a solar-yellow. it was stange that i had a bruise in the color scheme of the primary colors. and for a second, while standing in my cool basement naked with work gloves on, i suddenly came to me that i now controled the entire spectrum of reality. then i was aware that i was dreaming, but couldn't become lucid enough to fly, and that disturbed me.

i went outside to meet them with the bags, and my clothes magically appeared. good thing too, cause i had no clue what that wierd animal would react like to a nude human being. so, i'm looking up at the sky for a second and it looks like the sun is getting angry at this large galaxy-sized piece of film. everything is becoming brighter, and becca and yea-ming say they have to go home.

i thought to myself, "i thought that you two don't live in the same apartment anymore, not even the same state." and with those two smiling faces of memory fading, they drove off down my street, and made a swift and cartooninsh right-hand turn onto buchannan, where i think they then accessed the freeway system, all to the tune of the 1960's adam west batman show.

then i woke up. confused and deeply moved.

but how? and in which direction?

dreams are fun.

what did you dream of last night?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had a dream once, where i was hugged. who i was hugging i don't know but it was so good, i cried. it may be the best dream i'll ever have.