Saturday, August 21, 2004

" this is what you write, when you have nothing left in you to write "


one day, i walked in the woods alone. the breeze was deftly blowing, with ghostly whistles shrieking though the trees. there was no day or night, just a forever dusk upon the world above, and i smelled tinges of cherry blossoms eminating from within the deep forest.

i was barefoot as i stepped through the trees at a slow pace; the soles of my feet sinking slightly into the cool, forgiving earth. tiny nocturnal animals flew above and whispered down to me, leading me ever-forward into the thicket's clutch; their tiny words floating down like glacial mist.

there was a song being sung somewhere in the heart of the woods, so i followed it. my body ached with a new pain from the thorns brushing past my arms and legs; each cut leaving a bright memory. as i grew nearer to the velvet tones, i felt a new light within my soul; the soothing melody alleviating any hint of corporeal tragedy.

i came upon a small open area, and there in the middle of a soft patch of blue-green dale-moss, sat a small elfin woman singing to no one and seemingly glowing with daylight; her limbs moving gracefully in the now still-weight ofthe air. everything seemed to become silent but for the power of her voice. i fell to my knees at the foot of the small tuft, and lay there until i felt nothing but blisses.

the world sank away behind my eyes, and i became a fleeting thought upon the lilt of her tune; my torn body and rough hands vanishing and the seconds flew by becoming minutes becoming days becoming eons,

until one day a small team of junior-scout archaeologists from patterson elementary came to look for ancient ignious rocks in the fell grove. they happened upon the skeletal remains of my body and took me apart at the joints, until iwas nothing more than a display in a small museum. they placed tiny placards next to my bones, and mounted them upon tall thin gold-plated stands.


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