Monday, August 02, 2004

" marketing is odd "


so i'm walking in Central Ladprao, which is a large mall-type center for shopping, movies, and whatnot, and i happen upon a store that completely throws me through the proverbial loop as it were thus.

a clothing store "Zein," has two girls in window displays (the rooms being adjacent to eachother, but bisected by a conjoining wall) and they are both changing clothes, shoes, and accessories for everyone to see.

i am left unable to look away as i am drawn into this small-time peep-show, in what can be best described as a marriage of socially-induced public voyeurism/exhibitionism, and the genius of modern aplliable direct-to-consumer marketing.

so in one sense it's disgusting; a brash and blatent use of female sexuality in the guise of a private activity, to promote clothes and wares. and in the other sense, i was having the best time not shopping for women's clothes ever.

malls are great.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

boys will be boys