Tuesday, August 10, 2004

" closure is a shut door that opens backwards "


so i went to go see apple, and i saw her alright.

she was working in her new store; the sign freshly hung with care. it still had the sheen of a sign that hasn't sat at the right angle for long. i smiled inwardly and said to myself, "i can do this."

so sitting in the shop with her is this dude. taller than me, maybe prettier, but definitely not as strong. i felt bad for the both of them.

have you ever seen the movie "the blue angel?" if you had, and you realize what a vicious cirle relationships can be, then i was now the clown looking at the new beau, with the siren standing before me, unable to meet my eyes.

the words were shortly spoken and closure came on my terms. i walked away a little sore, but proud and of my own accord. it's just nice to know what the score is.

nobody said that finding that someone was easy,
and i hate to be on the recieving end of this dis-union,


when you can walk away, having said your piece, and having made sure you are okay, then you gain a sense of pride back that you might've lost if things didn't go differently.

june 11th until august 10th.

a relationship with a ghost named

panisa pomloi.

my affair with my first romance in about 4 years, may it rest in peace.


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