Sunday, July 11, 2004

" waiting, and then more waiting, and then you're late "


you know when your watch is working correctly, and yet you still check it every fourty seconds? what's that all about?

the human response is one to look out for. it's like we know when certain things are going to happen; even having a sixth sense about some of them.

but what about all the times when human error or a car crash, or a flash flood gets in the way? what then? it's like there is no real need for a watch, or time, or any form of cataloging of periods of time passing.

because if there exists things beyond our timely control that affect these schedules and such, then why need a watch? life would certainly be less stressful, or more stressful.

all of these random words brought to you by me, who today forgot my watch when i went out.


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