Monday, January 03, 2005

" the coming of tomorrow, today and in every day which follows"


i'm sitting in my office at my desk, on this the first day of 'real work,' of the new year.

i'm halfway through bear-garden's second album, "mercy killing," totally lost in the tonal-experimentality of their particular brand of music, and i suddenly realize two things:

1. i love a wide spectrum of really strange music and that most people either hold me up to a light, transparent and open, or completely and utterly don't understand a thing about me or my real intentions/motivations, maybe.

2. the fact that i keep regular a blog, means that i in essence, am prolonging the exact same nightly practice as doogie howser - m.d.; this does not sit well to know that i am a latter-day neil patrick-harris, but on the flip it is f-ing hilarious. i smile then sink my head into my arms.

3. i rarely keep my promise on a predeterminate amount of length, when defining the number of items on my lists, um, unless i do. there's always just too much to say; i cannot help myself.


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