Saturday, January 15, 2005

" the real audio gold "


sometimes everything is as easy as it is difficult. you get into these moments of funk and just start letting loose on people caught at their unawares. it's interesting, these fits, these tantrums, these whiny moments of outburst which take us out from adulthood hurtling us back into the time of baby blankets and bottles with nipples.

it's about taking a portion of time and setting it aside to regain composure; a sense of inner-control in the flushed face of momentary insanity. i, for the past 8 months, have been increasingly keen to the need for proper music.

a good song can take you out of certain depression, increase a paralleled sense of despair, hold the body of your mind within it's velvety tones, or allow you to rock all the way the hell out, until your body aches in that satisfyingly sore fashion. and, it is very important that the music be good.

this is saying and acknowledging that the term "good music" has a wide definition, encompassing all different genres of music and even some without a genre, but it must be good. with a vague and seemingly anal interpretation of what good music is, i finally have some good music .

i now have in my possession, a large collection of cd's that "do it" for me. they give me most everything that i need in those times when i feel like i'm ready to scream at children, throttle a sloth, or run in circles cursing and swearing until i pass out.

i'm just reminding those few of you that read this whatever it is this is thing, that music is very very necessary for daily audio consumption. to be able to pick out something and just slide right into it fully and completely, as if in a bath of beats and notation; the key changes seeping into your pores below the sky, and the roof over your head, and the outside world. sinking deep below the melodic harmonic surface, and surrounded by the universe.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really would like to hear some of that music...