Wednesday, January 19, 2005

" sub-liminal tension and maxillary oddities "


dream segments are weirdfunstrange sometimes:

i'm holding her,
loosely and by the waist,

as our bodies lay parallel covered by the wide spread
of large blue bedsheets.

the sun is coming in through the window and hit my eyes
all soft and calm.

she smiles with the most beautiful
curl in her bottom lip;

her smooth flanks offset my rough hands.

sub-liminal surface tension

i feel a pinch in my mouth,
near to the root of my #6 bicuspid;

the tooth becomes loose and i tap on it
like a rapping upon a tin sheet.

the tooth releases into my hand transparent as a lie;

i am confused and i do not let her know.

my #28 molar falls out the same;
just the enamel shells remaining,

fragile and small.

in my shallow palms, they lay exposed and cupped;
hollow and quiet, discarded seashells.

maxillary oddities

i can see as she
flips over, the

low musculature ripple
of an abdominal quiver.

she smiles into my soul.

i'm tracing the line of her
torso down to her belly with

just the soft of my fingertip.
outside, through the panes of frosted glass

there are autumn leaves dancing
in the wispy arms of a subdued gale.


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