Sunday, June 13, 2004

" books are great. or are they? "


mira0013: have you read the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven?
weederman23: of the title
mira0013: huh?
weederman23: like
weederman23: i've heard of the title
mira0013: oh ok
mira0013: well its also very good
mira0013: i just finished it
mira0013: for the second time
weederman23: lol
weederman23: i miss reading
mira0013: me too
mira0013: that's all i want to do for the rest of my life
weederman23: i want to re=read this book of shorts
weederman23: by this debut author
mira0013: by
weederman23: but i forget the title and the author
weederman23: lol
mira0013: hhahah
mira0013: well i guess i can't very well send it to you
weederman23: lol
mira0013: i want to read native son
weederman23: i want to read the comic books that i've missed out on
mira0013: did you read on the road?
weederman23: nope
weederman23: what are those? kerouac?
mira0013: yup
weederman23: not too keen on kerouac
weederman23: haven't read enough i guess
mira0013: me either actaully
mira0013: well i like the writing
weederman23: yeah
weederman23: i dunno, it seems that the people who find out on their own actually love kerouac
mira0013: i couldn't relate with any of the characters
mira0013: i liked the writing style
weederman23: the other 95 percent are "turned on" to the books, then become these book/culture-pop snobs that say "oooooooh, you mean to tell me you've never real mother night? i can't even talk to you" then they turn aways a scurry into the darkness of dimly lit rooms with strange smells and tiny handmade rugs
mira0013: it was different
weederman23: usually the best books are the ones you take chances on
mira0013: always
weederman23: so, are you going to mail me one?
mira0013: yes
mira0013: but you have to tell me which one you want
weederman23: i don't need harry potter 5ive though
weederman23: i'll get back to you with a list after i consult my bookery friend on suggested titles
mira0013: well i refuse to send you that even if its the only book you ever want to read in your whole life
mira0013: ok cool
mira0013: let me know before jun 28
weederman23: deal


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