Saturday, June 05, 2004

" say what? "


if you spoke a different language, what would you have to say?

would other understand you, or would you just spend all of your time asking stupid but basic things like:

how much is that monkey?

where's the bathroom?

are you sure you can eat this?

so where did you say you were from again?

is this the emergency room?

where would i be able to sit in a tub of gelatin?

is this my room?

what's that smell coming from?

if this isn't butter, what is it?

can you take that cork out of your ears?

the spoon has been where did you say?

if that's not your kid, whose is he?

are you sure this is the way to the port authority?

and of course other questions as well.

where the, is the expression, the poetry, the communication?

i sit at my desk in my office everyday while i'm here and wish that i didn't hate the pop musical vacuum i'm in so much, because then i might be able to smile more. the truth is that i've never had so much time away from my comfort zone in all of my life. it's sort of scintillating and feels genuine and real. as if real life is here, and this is what it feels like to have your life be very present.

there's nothing more invigorating that the reoccuring realizatin that you are where you are, and that you are living. it of course sounds stupid, but it's funny how many peopl just sit and stare off into space, thinking nothing, feeling nothing, and being absolutely empty.

so, in light of these thoughts, gotta get moving, gotta start something, do something, be sombody.

it's funny how everytime you start to pump yourself up, it sounds sort of old and repetative. i hope this time the record doesn't skip; i hope this time my song plays on.

here's to questioning your future and living for the present.


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