Thursday, November 04, 2004

" nope, no sir, and no thank you "


i'm not going to go into some crazed fanatical rant session for weeks on end describing how upset and disappointed i am over the fact that in all likeliness, this election makes it all okay for a the cloven society that we call america to get all riled up and ready to duke it out civil war style [well except with SUV's, H2's, PDA's, and miniature laptops (how many sizes do these things need to come in, fo reezy?!)] and tear each other apart with hate and degrading words and internalized violent acts, the blood of the nation boiling and spilling all over the ground and through the grand canyon, i'm talking about what the hell are people voting out of fear, leaning towards the next "jeebus," choosing to base the next four years on a loose flimsy definition of moral liberties and collective social interest, like, what the hell is up with 11 out of 11 states banning gay marriage as a law(?) can people be so blind/cold/heartless/ununderstanding? you end up with ornery people getting all bent up (and rightly so) about the state of the union and the nature of our divided nation to the degree where they go on drinking binges and yell at people on the street while simultaneously peeing themselves, i mean you get to a point where you have to really deconstruct your hopes and actions and desires until you make yourself transparent to certain truths about the Self, cause what revolution are you really for and which movement are you really against if there are so many crazy people rambling and wandering their way through america searching for truth and the path of righteousness, which mostly means that if you had to weigh your personal beliefs against your neighbor, you might end up with some slightly skewed version of your own life and it keeps changing and adapting as you move from house to house throughout the nation, and so on and so forth, which doesn't mean that i don't also have a viewpoint or passions or disgusts on a socio-cultural/economic/civil rights ideologies, it's just that there's something about something called corruption and the throwing around of large sums of monies that could be spent on something completely more in need of such funds that seems at present so insurmountable, the liberal-leaning Sisyphus, which saddens me because these deluded masses feel that bush is actually going to work for the best interest of america, but instead will be building upon a legacy of hate, deception, and greed in the most modern example of a misuse of power in a country that should know better based on the way most analysts depict our position power-balance-wise, the nations' children altogether at once begin to cry, somewhere a tiny man-devil is dancing a celebratory jig sipping triple-X hoocajoo tonic and whistling a tune, no.

i'm sure that there are more people with more time to spend on the computer, and better word combinations than i have at my disposal. so i leave it to them and their emotionally-backed descriptive pseudo-intellectual fodder.

i'll be out actively deconstructing something else while eating my lunch with no regrets.


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