Monday, November 15, 2004

" siamese sunset "


outside in the looming humidity, the body of the encroaching dusk lays on her side.

she brings with her languid arrival, a drunken blackness which envelops the land.

the sun deeply sinks away and below the horizon;

retreating lazily as bright solar flares extinguish in the leave of the celestial body.

in the near distance, the crawling traffic hits it's daily mark, not allowing anyone to be where they need to be, or go where they would like to go.

people search the airwaves for good "sitting music," the static white noise almost as good.

homeless alley-dags are fighting each other with a savage ferocity matched only by wild animals;

the world they were born into is not one of their own design or liking.

i begin to find myself slowly becoming accustomed to this particular frequency of nightly events.

my hands stretch out, and then altogether relax, as i head inside in search of something else.


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