Tuesday, November 09, 2004

" that fresh pee smell "


you know what?

those small floral and scented thingie-thingies people put in their bathrooms, whether the potpourri, the squirtie sprayer doohickey, or the lemony-limeny electric plug-in, don't really do a god damn thing i tell you.

all you end up having, is a bathroom that smells like aromatically-orangified urine, and that ain't none to right. it's like a breath-holding session every time.

and what's up with women's bathrooms again? i mean, they're just so pretty-like. from the photos on the wall, or the superb choice wall designery, to even the furniture. jeebus those couches are comfy and spacious. i dare say, swell even. well they are you know!

i want to sit in one of those powder room-type places and have a cup of rooibus africana with some crumpets and noshery before entering the lavatory and doing my business. is that so much to ask?

i think not, sir.

i think not.


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