Tuesday, October 05, 2004

" the box "


sometimes i get mad for no real apparent reason. like being in a box; tight fit, small air holes, like all of your muscles are taut and strained, begging for a good stretched release.

at those times, i am mean to people i don't expect to be mean to or at. i lash out and curse and express opinions that i might usually keep under a lock and key.

everything starts to get to you when you are in this state: sounds of people laughing, kids playing, zippers being zipped, happiness in others for some reason is a big irker; like you just want to punch a clown.

i think i'm having a miniscule meltdown from not being balanced in my life, and it feels like nothing and no one can help me right now. but it's only for right now, at this moment, today, here.

it's a very being-lost feeling.

do you ever feel this way?


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