Thursday, October 28, 2004

" the straight forward of it "


the notes on a recent ("non-argue") argument i'm (not?) having:

i mean, if you have something to say, just say it. the "silent treatment" was designed for and is used notoriously by pre-school teachers and kids in middle school relationships. it does nothing forwarding, except to prove to someone that you have an outstanding ability to ignore. why waste time not looking at me, edging away from me, leaving rooms when i enter them, and moreover become this cold voiceless roadblock? it really makes me not want to get back to the space when we were actually friends.

i have other things i could be spending time doing, other than pretending that you also don't exist. the one thing that really is nice of you to do too, is speak to everyone else around me as if i cannot hear you. oh, and the fun way you make it so i can't be in your presence by asking people to go eat and then leave w/out asking if i'm hungry. that's cool, if you think these things will get to me; i'm already an adult with other things to worry about.

and the cartoon voice you use with your boyfriend and when you want something from people who would've normally helped you out if you spoke normally, is bordering on mania...get/use a real voice. men that like adult women with baby voices also love to have sex with little girls and children. think about it.

better yet, tell someone off, if you have the chance. that way they'll actually know how you feel. it's interesting to note how spoiled little kids eventually become high-maintenance/emotionally unstable and unfulfilled/overcompensating-but-still-little-kids-in-their-thoughts/functionability adults. why is that do you think?

i call it "the power-pout." i mean who cares if you look good in fur or drive a bentley with gold plating(based currently on the dreams of every aspiring super-star singer/actress/model from hip-hop filtered projected dreamlifes in MTV music videos)? you're still underdeveloped emotionally and a serious psychological quandry. i.e. - please get over yourself.

i can get this kind of cold-hatred from people who disliked 'eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.' or the other thing i enjoy sometimes are the vapid and collective "derr?'s," "whaaa!?'s," and the nice-when-placed-correctly-but rarely-done-so "ah-buuh?'s." meaning, ever heard of the term 'if you don't use it, you're gonna lose it?' yeah, read into that all you want. then learn up how how to be friends with someone. i think you might find that you're being somewhat harsh.

give me someone i can talk to like a human. someone with a heart, and a soul. a conscience and a voice. a sense of conviction and the ability to forgive when it's just become an exercise in holding your breath underwater.

these are the subtle building blocks for creating a sustainable interactivity between people.

communication people!

let's get to it.

(clap, clap)



LonaDay said...


You always hit the nail smack on the head.

May I please print this out and make copies so I can deliver it to all the silent treatment givers I know?

baystar23 said...


yes. please do.

print, copy, distribute, and enlighten, or at least inform.

it's also funny/sad how these people try and pretend that they're "stronger," in light of trying to ignore you. as if the ability to feign displeasure is really a worthy and altogether galvanizing trait. and let's say this does pass, what is the benefit of continuing being friends? i mean, it's just really funny/sad.

i think the more people need to realize that talking and understanding is so much more beneficial that silent never-ending grudges.
