Sunday, October 24, 2004

" the perpetuation of dumb "


in the wake of the 'six-month mark' of me being in BKK, i'm writing a letter to me:

hey man,

lighten up there, sir. no one is blaming you for the things you like. i mean, you're a fairly likeable guy, albeit sometimes rough on yourself. there are many things going on at the same time, and for that fact alone, you cannot possibly do all of them.

you have to be patient. you have to drink plenty of water and eat proper. things are going to happen to you; i can feel it. remember that time you had no clue what you wanted? that was really funny. your eyes would be all bloodshot from the stress, you would eat strange things and sleep at crazy hours of the day and night, and nothing you did could change the fact that things were all happening around you.

it's a wonder you even made it here. i'm surprised and proud of you. so it's hot, and you have no clue what your doing? that's the fun of it right? go ahead and admit it; you dig it here. only six more months to go. take a stand for yourself in the purely selfish quest for creative freedom! it can and will happen. i promise you.

the mere fact that you are writing a letter to yourself in the form of a blog post, should be a large enough clue that things are either going well or not, or both at the same time. which in of itself is okay. who says these things cannot happen? this is why you are going to make it no matter where you are in the world. there is no doubt that you will make it.

go get em tiger; you smell terrific.


you, again meaning me.


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