Wednesday, October 27, 2004

" no, thank you wendy "


i think i just might kick ass.

there are times to just feel good that your work is getting out there, in whatever form it may transit. i mean, you have these moments where you sit and deconstruct your art or craft all to bits, until there's nothing left of yourself in there. hollow husks gently fading away, the sturdy planks of your mind's ship splinter into brittle remains and gently gather dust, the doubt compounding with every supposed failure.

but then you have to slowly piece yourself back together. scoop the essence of your being and start again. so as it seems, by placing myself out there, on electrical unseen limbs, i'm now three for three.

listen to wendy people, and spread the word, 'cause i'm a comin' !!

here's to november 7th's arrival.


Hi c. bay milin-

Thanks for submitting "the ride home" to the KQED "Photo of the Day" Gallery. Your photo will be featured on's homepage on November 7.

Your photo will then reside in the "Photo of the Day" November 2004 Gallery.

Be sure to spread the word about our new "Photo of the Day" feature and gallery. We are always looking for excellent photos like yours to share with the community.

"Photo of the Day" Editor


it's all about success in tiny increments, daily and onward.

tonight's homework:

make a little movement forward in your own work. i promise you'll feel better.


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