Sunday, October 17, 2004

" pardon my french, but i shit bigger than this "


there comes a time in every consumers' life where they must make the personal choice; to pick between what they perceive as the truth and what is a lie. can one product really be attributed to the embodiment of false though? i think so.

in a "cunning and deviously swift" counter-attack on michael moore's super 9/11 doc, the extremely evangelical republicanly-christian right has produced a beautiful tribute to the art of bull-cockery. it's fascinating how everything, when explained through the thick veil that is "god and the all-powerful," can be skewed and redirected towards the "truth," and bring us all into a greater understanding of life and the universe. real people are much less one-sided and balanced; eat some fucking granola!

this is not saying that religion or faith in god through christianity is anything but respectable as a belief system. this is to say that you talk about the supposed separation between church and state, and here comes along a glowing 70-minute documentary made to "really give it" to the michael moore's, smart-er americans, and the world of people out there with their eyes open wide to common knowns.

it's interesting in a scary-cause-these-fuckers-really-think-this-shit-up-and-spent-money-on-it-thinking-they'd-really-get-the-"truth"-across-to-the-masses sort of way. and in a sense, they might.

this is why it is okay to laugh at these people respectfully of course, and it is VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU VOTE!!! if for anything, for god's sake. hahah ahahh, right?

bush is a liar and a moron, i mean look at him and his book-holding skills!! he's holding america upside-down, holy sand-in-my-speedos batman!!

(c) bush is a fucking moron and a liar 2004

i'm not even in the country, and i'm going crazy! i mean, if i can be living in bangkok thailand and claim my privilege to vote albeit through long-distance absentee, all of you still in america can get off your asses, realize that four more years of shenanigans like this is quite destructive to the world, walk to your voter hut with that small curtain, and claim your right to put bush out of the white house. ps-cheney is a hypocritical non-existant dead man.

it may be too late for the truth behind the lies, but it's never too late to make a change. california, you have one day left to register. do it.


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