Tuesday, October 26, 2004

" japanese makers, and sometimes shakers "


in being closer to the asian market in terms of films and distribution, i thought i'd take a look into some of my favorite japanese filmmakers. now, in doing so, i realize that the only reason that i even know the names of these makers, is that their work has jumped the median wall of international distribution. and that's fair; how else was i supposed to educate myself?

i mean sure, any random hipster can look at a list of most people's favorite anythings, and just say "hey man, your likes are so predictable and generic...(then)...if you really want to check out someone interesting and unique, look at (insert 'person that no one in the entire world knows but should care about' here)." and if i were in the business of making a list of likes that would just make people feel inadequate about themselves and their interests, then i might say something like that.

but i'm not "that guy."

so, below check out some makers i find particularly interesting in the scope of japanese popular filmmaking. although i don't know if you would happen to know these people from their first names...except for maybe the very very interesting "beat" takeshi.

after that, check out all of the other makers that made their list (interviews), and then stretch your arms out into the world. flex those internet-like tendrils and seek out obscure interesting people and things to add to your own lists, cause i'm doing the same thing on my end of the world.

- kore-eda hirokazu -

- "beat" takeshi -

- oshii mamoru -

(c) http://www.midnighteye.com

now do some clickity click clicking, and learn you something about the wider world of filmmaking.


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